Of The Light....

Food for thought:

Our own thoughts and emotions are responsible for most, if not all of our suffering. Who else is aware of what we are thinking inside our heads and our secret hearts? Only you know….and you are only hurting yourself if you are not conscious about what you think!

Gregg Braden also makes stunning observations about consciousness and what the implications are for humanity. The potential to come together in love and prayer and really make an impact on suffering and need is undeniable! He says that science is based on two false assumptions, that everything is separate from each other and that thought, feelings, emotion and belief have no affect outside our bodies.

Studies show that emotion affects the electromagnetic field around the earth. If groups come together and intentionally have an emotional response like collective prayer, it absolutely affects where this collective energy is sent. The electromagnetic field is affected just as strongly through our emotions as with our thoughts. His video reinforces the masses coming together expressing unconditional love and its lasting effect on earth.

Illusion of Reality ~ Consciousness & Quantum Theory
Dr. John Hagelin, Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University is a world renowned quantum physicist, educator, public policy expert, and leading proponent of peace. His current research now finds that on deeper levels of nature, beyond the molecular, the sub atomic, and the nuclear levels, beyond all that we currently know, is a singular universal intellegence that encompasses all things and is truly all connected as one! The Unified Field or the Superstring Field is not created in our minds but is a single level of intellegence at the basis of all mind and matter and everything else just ripples on this field. His two videos support that we are just waves of vibration within this field of Consciousness.

  1. Part I
  2. Part II
Dr. Stuart Hameroffis a physician and researcher at the University Medical Center in Tucson, AZ and is also the Associate Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. He states that, “Consciousness defines our existence and reality, but the mechanism by which the brain generates thoughts and feelings remains unknown.” His video on Quantum Consciousness summarizes the various theories leading scientists have on Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness.

Dr. Roger Penrose, Oxford University, also discusses the notion of consciousness in his video and talks about the causational effect between two items mentioned above, as well as sharing insights on artificial consciousness. What seems clear is the more we know….the less we understand!

We don’t profess to be experts in the science of consciousness as many renowned scientists have been observing, studying and researching the topic in depth for many years. The one thing we seem to know for sure is that we are in fact "conscious beings who experience." However, there still seems to be debate around consciousness being within our brain function or within energy as a whole internal and external to the human body.

We know  that quantum physics talks about the energetic relationship between two things, even when those two things are no longer physically connected and they can even be separated by miles. When one is affected the other is affected at the same time. The energy moving between the two is almost instantaneous. This fantastic phenomenon suggests that there is some conscious relationship between the two.


Quantum physics brings us closer to identifying new theories about mind and matter directly challenging the meaning of matter and impacting current views on Consciousness. Here we present an introducation to the science and heart of consciousness.

Food for thought:

What responsibility do we have to the world we live in if we are truly all one? What does it say about Humanity and how we create our own reality? What does it say about the way we educate our children?