The Science of Biophotons Part I

The Light Body itself is the integration of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies activated at a molecular level increasing light frequency through meditation, the DNA expansion and Chakra clearing to express divine unconditional love. This healing love energy is the highest expression of love! Therefore, the greatest healing you can provide to Humanity is to BE in this love frequency which will affect those around you in a profound way.

Send your Love to the world, the Unity or Christ Consciousness will change our expression as humans and therefore change mankind.

Energy healers have long known that humans were made out of light and our light body is effected by focused thought, meditation, chakra cleansing and music. However the new research on biophotons and bioenergy shows the astounding intensity with which biophotons communicate at the cellular level within the body. One biophoton carries about 4 MGs of information including the complete individual's DNA makeup. It is also a possibility that biophotons travel among the nervous system much like fiberoptics and hold much of our memories and soul experiences within their data. We are made out of light and everything is in constant vibration and motion. Every biophoton (life force energy or spirit orb) exists and is critical in keeping the body healthy!

Light Body DNA Part I

Light Body DNA Part II

In 1974 German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp proved the existence of biophotons and their origin from the DNA and biological processes within all living things. After a decade of basic research on this discovery, biophysicists of various European and Asian countries are now exploring the many interesting applications like cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various applications in biotechnology in addition to lending scientific support to some unconventional methods of healing.

To date the few books about biophotons have been highly technical and written mainly in German. One book, Biophotons - The Light in Our Cells was written by Marco Bischof in 1994-95 where he served as Managing Director of the International Institute of Biophysics at Neuss (Germany) and is still a member of the Board of Directors at the Institute. This is a white paper reviewing this very interesting book.


The Science of Biophotons Part II

Light Body

Metaphysically, the Light Body is a matrix of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe.

Scientifically, the Light Body is comprised of biophotons. Biophotons are very low levels of light emitted by all living cells in plants, animals and human beings, and can be measured. Biophoton light is stored in the DNA molecules of a cell’s nuclei. They are constantly released and absorbed by the DNA and may connect cells, tissues, and organs within the body to serve as the organism's main communication network regulating all life processes.

The following videos introduce German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp and his research on biophotons. They were produced by Supreme Master Television, an international, non-profit channel airing news and programs that foster peace and promote healthy, green living. They broadcast on 14 satellite platforms and on over 130 cable and IPTV networks.

Of The Light....