Worldviews of Prominent Physicists and Philosophers

  • There is no deep reality
  • Reality is created by observation
  • Reality is an undivided wholeness
  • Reality consists of a steadily increasing number of parallel universes
  • The world obeys a non-human kind of reasoning
  • The world is made of ordinary objects
  • Consciousness creates reality
  • The world is twofold, consisting of potentials and actualities

They further state that the majority of leading scientists seriously believe the first Worldview that there is no deep reality and claim that there is no objective reality. For them, physics is not physical, but metaphysical.

Nature (446, 871), published an article by physicists from Austria who claim to have performed an experiment that rules out a broad class of hidden-variable theories that focus on realism or reality and which ultimately led to the uneasy consequence that reality does not exist at all when we are not observing it.

Common Sense Science reports that ‘modern physicists do not have a single picture of the 'the way the world really is’; instead there are more or less eight ideas of quantum reality. These eight world views of reality are quite different; yet all are considered by leading scientists to be valid, or at least successful in terms of explaining experiments.

Oracle Thinkquest Projects by Students for Students identifies quantum physics as represented by 5 main ideas.

  1. Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units.
  2. The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves.
  3. The movement of these particles is inherently random and impacted by observation.
  4. It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is.
  5. The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.

They further describe that while at first blush this may seem like just another strange theory it contains many clues to the fundamental nature of the universe and is more important than relativity in the grand scheme of things.

Reality is an Illusion

Of The Light....

Quantum Awakening ~ Has Science Found God?

Quantum Reality

These ideas describe the nature of the universe as being much different than the world we see. What is fascinating is the ultimate Truth that things don’t behave in any way that we can understand. If we think it behaves a certain way it can change on us based on who is looking at it, or who is observing it. So sometimes an energy particle acts like a particle and other times it acts like a wave. When it looks like a particle, it is a particle. When it looks like a wave, it is a wave. Based on this wave/particle duality, quantum physics leaves us with the unanswered and profound question, ‘What is reality?’

In quantum physics nothing is real unless it is observed yet scientists can’t even agree on what it means to ‘observe’ because it changes the results. In quantum physics, reality as we know it is an illusion and changes based on who is observing it…..or conversely, we ultimately create our own reality.

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."

A Course In Miracles

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics is the complete study of the subatomic realm using theory to describe and predict various properties of the physical system. The paradox is that the more we study, the more we explain, the less we know, and the less we understand. This is the branch of science that deals with discrete units of energy called quanta that make up everything as we know it. Even the waves of energy that continuously move are actually discrete particles of energy. More amazing, we find that we can manipulate these with our thoughts or observations. As we observe it or measure it, it changes. Our thoughts can actually impact the energy waves or particles through our intention.  At the deepest level all particles and waves combine, called consciousness, and surmises that we are actually all One.

"Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."
Niels Bohr

"Who could have imagined", Einstein once remarked about this reality crisis in physics, "that we would come to know so much yet understand so little?"