Of The Light....
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Meditate with the Unity Mudra
Scientists have confirmed the
'God Particle'
Patricia Cota Robles
View Canada's Former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer and the movie THRIVE - the most important movie you can watch!
Of The Light is a group of Light Workers and Spiritual Activists dedicated to the educational study and advancement of Humanity through increased spiritual awareness, the pursuit of wisdom, and a shared consciousness to guide our daily lives and live with integrity. We do this in two ways:
We believe we are all one, connected to universal consciousness and work together in peace and love. Those who are drawn to our site and our work will live life with purpose and integrity. As we change ourselves…we change the world!
Cosmic Connections at Wesak 2015, Earth-Keeper
We offer a practical tool to navigate the ups and downs of life applying Destiny Cards to help understand one’s Life Path, Soul Purpose, and Yearly Influences. Our intuitive consultations come in the form of a 25 page report describing influences and opportunities for any given year from birthday to birthday. Read more about the science of the Destiny Cards and our Services.
Of The Light provides information and food for thought around concepts that the metaphysical community talk about,but are still somewhat vague to those new the information. We offer connections as we see them allowing those who are beginning their own path of enlightenment to consider along the way.