It is said that the Science of the Cards is an ancient divination system kept secret for centuries. Mystical orders have been in existence since before ancient Egypt and have carefully preserved these secrets to be released to the public when the time is right. The first known book ever published about this system of self-understanding is The Mystic Test Book, by Olney Richmond, originally published in 1893. Mr. Richmond at that time was the Grand Master of the secret society known as The Order of the Magi. Robert Camp has written several books expanding on this system he calls the Destiny Cards. The system itself is based upon the common deck of playing cards that is anything but common.

The playing cards actually depict our yearly calendar and aligns with the astrological cycles of our planets. The cards have four suits, each containing thirteen cards totaling the fifty-two cards in the deck, plus a Joker, which is also significant. Similarly we also have 52 weeks in a year. If we apply numerology and reduce 52 to 5+2 we get seven, also the number of days in a week and the number of visible objects in the sky to the ancients, (the 5 visible planets, the sun and moon). Seven is a very magical number in many ways and is considered the most spiritual number in many mystical traditions including the Bible. The ancients also discovered that a full year was 365 days and nights (actually 365 and ¼). If you divide 365 by the 7 visible objects that revolved around the sun at that time you get 52 cycles we now call weeks.  If you add up all of the number values in a deck of cards you also get 364…plus the joker whose value is one and one quarter. There are many more similarities that the design of the cards have showing profound significance to the world we live in including the suits and the seasons, the suits and parts of our daily life, the numbers and their personality meanings.

Destiny Cards

Intuitive Consultations available through our unique Card System can provide important information regarding your life path and what you were born to do in this lifetime, yearly events that impact each month of the year, relationship insight including who may be your soul mate and who may break your heart, who is marriageable and who may never commit, how Karma and Past Life cards impact your current relationships, how work and health may be impacted in the future, and how your business and finances may be impacted throughout the year.

The Science of the Cards defines our karmic destiny as a path in this life. It uses both the choices we made prior to coming into this life and is influenced by our free will and choices we make during this lifetime to determine the personal growth attained day to day throughout our lives. Our Yearly Spreads provide guidance and understanding to the events that impact each cycle of the year. It is not always easy to hear or accept the events in life but if navigated with the right frame of mind and through a living, loving vibration it will guide you through the trials of life down the road to fulfill your soul's purpose.

Using the unique Grand Solar Spread each day of the year corresponds to a given card in the deck. Based on your birthday the predictions about your life are startlingly accurate and insightful relating to career, finances, travel, health, and relationships with others in addition to insights into your soul’s purpose in this lifetime. The Spreads that govern each reading are based on the 2 most important cards about you; the Birth Card and the Planetary Ruling card. Your Birth Card is the most important of all your Personal Significators and defines your Soul’s Identity in this current lifetime. The Planetary Ruling Card is the next most important card as it expresses who you are through work and life. Most Birth Cards also have important Karma Cards that reflect past life gifts and/or areas where we have spiritual growth or challenges that impact life here.

Of The Light....