Of The Light....


Prayer is a form of energy transfer; a form of energy healing.  When you pray, or when you focus energy in some concentrated way, you are doing several things.  First you are healing and helping yourself, because you are filling yourself with the golden light and healing love of the universe.  The act of loving another, praying for another in love and caring, is a very giving act, an act which gives to you, as well as to the recipient.  As you pray or transfer loving thoughts and healing energy, you must fill yourself with love first making yourself the center of that powerful surge of love which you then are sending to the recipient, to the person for whom you are praying.  Love is all. Love has great power and is the best mechanism for sharing God’s energy with the world. Individual prayers, prayer circles, group prayer in churches and focused thought among healing circles have a profound effect on those receiving the Love energy. Prayer Works!

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is an intuitive process that involves energy work using meditation and intention to heal within the energy field around the body. It is done with prayer, meditation and thought intention.

Food for thought:

If it is possible that prayer works and can heal, why do we not take the time to incorporate this very powerful practice in our daily lives?

Dr. Deepak Chopra, a respected New England endocrinologist, began his search for answers in the mid 1980's when he returned to India to explore Aruyveda, an ancient healing tradition. Now he brings together current research from Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurvedic theory to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of intelligence" grounded in quantum reality.

Meditation is a form of prayer.  It is the process of reaching up into yourself in an attempt to quiet your mind so you can tap into the true flow of life energy or life force. It is about reaching up into what goes beyond this life, this ego, this spot of time and space.  It is an attempt to reach up into the ethereal and transcend into what is timeless and eternal.  You reach a portion of yourself called the Higher Self. Listening to this higher self can often provide answers similar to prayer. However, meditation can also provide the practice needed to quiet the mind to learn to hold intentional thought for an increasingly extended period of time.

Healing Practice

Everyone can be a part of their own personal healing practice. Most of us simply aren't aware of how easily we can heal ourselves and others. Many of us are too busy to be purposeful about spiritual practice, yet if we truly knew that our energy levels and our thoughts affected our loved ones and people around us in profound ways we might be more intentional about our practice each day. There are two basic simple ways that you can practice your own healing daily and impact the world, Prayer and Meditation.

Deepak Chopra on Quantum Physics and Consciousness​

Deepak Chopra on Spiritual Healing